How Will Pregnancy Affect My Mental Wellness?
If you are in early pregnancy, there are many symptoms you may be experiencing, such as fatigue, nausea, and more.
Pregnancy doesn’t just affect you physically, but also emotionally and mentally. Read this article to learn how some common side effects of pregnancy can affect your mental wellness.
According to the Mayo Clinic, your body produces different levels of hormones. As a result, you may feel calm one moment and irritable or anxious the next. It’s important to give yourself grace on your pregnancy journey and work with your physician to find solutions that make you feel as comfortable as possible.
If you find it difficult staying awake at different times of the day, this is likely due to changes in your body from pregnancy. It’s important to adjust your expectations for yourself and your productivity during this season so you don’t feel frustrated or angry for not operating at your pre-pregnancy levels.
Physical Discomfort
In addition to new energy and hormone levels, there may be other pregnancy symptoms, such as nausea or food aversions, that take some getting used to. As the pregnancy progresses, you may grow frustrated or exhausted by these changes to your body.
Make sure to give yourself some credit! If you carry your pregnancy to term, your body will have nurtured and grown a new life and that is an amazing accomplishment!
It’s okay to work on your pregnancy glow and pamper yourself during your pregnancy. Whether you get a pedicure to feel beautiful or buy clothes that make you feel more comfortable and confident, do something to reward your body for its hard work!
Schedule a Pregnancy Test & Ultrasound
We offer no-cost pregnancy services at Zoe, a Women’s Center, including medical-grade pregnancy testing and limited obstetric ultrasound.
Ultrasounds help to confirm a pregnancy, tell you how far along you are, and confirm the pregnancy’s location and viability. It’s the first step to knowing your options.
If this is an unplanned pregnancy, we also offer educational resources within a safe, pressure-free environment for you to consider and discuss the next steps.
Contact us today to make your appointment!