To Be Loved

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Have you ever had a time in your life where you felt truly seen, known and loved? Think about it for a moment.  Maybe a friend saw you at your worst but still chose to spend time with you, or someone close to you brought you a gift on a hard day or sent you a “thinking of you card” out of nowhere.  Maybe your special someone did the dishes and folded the laundry, or maybe it was the hug that was right on time. 

Even if you have never personally experienced any of these specific examples, we all can agree it sounds wonderful. 

Going through our everyday lives, we can tend to spend so much time worrying about what others think of us. From what we wear, to how we talk, to what we post on social media...the list of ways that we try to “measure up” and prove ourselves goes on and on.

Expectations we have of ourselves or what we assume people have set in their minds, become like filters for the version of ourselves we show the world. That’s a lot of work and it’s not freeing at all! Who really desires a friendship or relationship for that matter, that requires a fake version of ourselves to receive notice, approval, and love? When we feel we can be our true selves and still be accepted, that brings a sigh of relief and safety.

Free to be seen, known and loved. 

Here comes that sigh of relief, are you ready? You are, right now, in this moment, fully seen, known and loved for who you ARE. Did you catch that? We didn’t say for who you are striving to be, for who you think you should be, or for the version of yourself you let others see. You are loved for who you are on your worst and best days.

The moment you began to be formed in your mother’s womb you had God’s full attention and affection. In every season and moment of your life He has seen, known and loved you. Here comes the best part, there is nothing you could ever do to lose His attention, affection and admiration.

You are fully loved, all the time. 

We know it might sound too good to be true but trust us friend, from ones who have personally encountered this crazy love over and over again, it is the truth. And even if you chose to not believe and never acknowledge His love, it wouldn’t change His mind and heart about you. His gaze and love are steadfast.

But, if you dare to believe and trust and you decide that you want to, or need to, know this love for yourself, you can.  And that’s not even the best part! You don’t have to perform or prove yourself to receive it! Amazing, right?!

Wherever you are, just say “God, I want to know this love you have for me.” And then wait, watch, listen. He will show you, He can’t wait to show you! When He does, we would love to hear about it and celebrate with you. 

 “You are free to be seen, known, and loved because you ARE seen, known, and loved.”


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