What are the different pregnancy options available?

Whether you have people trying to influence your decision or you’re overwhelmed by the amount of information you see online, considering all of your pregnancy options (adoption, abortion, or parenthood) can be exhausting.

Keep reading to see a complete list of options with practical next steps. Remember, you are not alone and don’t have to create a plan overnight.

What do I Need to Know about Abortion?

Rather than just exploring what the actual procedure entails, make sure you understand abortion’s potential consequences and the impact on your quality of life.

Abortion Physical Consequences

Like any medical procedure, there is always a potential for something to go wrong, and the same goes for a surgical or medical abortion.

According to the Mayo Clinic, the risks of surgical abortion include :

  • Perforation of the uterus

  • Damage to the cervix

  • Scar tissue on the uterine wall

  • Infection

For medical abortion, risks include:

  • Infection

  • Fever 

  • Digestive system discomfort

  • Heavy, prolonged bleeding

  • Incomplete abortion (which may require surgical treatment)

  • An ongoing pregnancy (if the drugs are unsuccessful)

Abortion Side Effects

Some of the side effects you may experience with medical abortion and surgical abortion are:

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Digestive discomfort

  • Feeling faint

You will always have abdominal cramping and vaginal bleeding with either type of abortion. 

Mental Health Effects

One study concluded that abortion is consistently associated with elevated risks of mental health problems compared to women who have not undergone an abortion.

While all experiences are unique, make sure you evaluate how this may impact your mental health if you are considering an abortion.

What Do I Need to Know About Adoption?

Each choice has advantages and disadvantages. Here is an overview of what you need to know about adoption.

Adoption Options

As the biological parent, you can customize your adoption plan, and you have the final say in who the adoptive family is. Here are the different types of adoption that are available to you:

  • Open adoptions allow you to have a relationship with the adoptive family and child.

  • Semi-open adoptions involve the adoption agency or an attorney exchanging non-identifying information between the adoptive family and you.

  • Closed adoptions are when the courts seal your personal details so that not even the adoptive family can know them. You and the family will not know the other’s identity. 

In the event of adoption, many of your pregnancy-related health costs and living expenses may be covered by the adoption agency or the adoptive family.

How Will Adoption Affect My Mental Health?

Adoption is a complex and emotionally charged topic, so you will likely experience a range of emotions leading up to and even after the official adoption takes place.

Feelings of regret, loss, and grief are typical and even expected. However, many women who choose adoption also find satisfaction in knowing that they have placed their baby in a loving family. If it’s an open adoption, there is the added benefit of maintaining a continued relationship with the child.

You’ll also benefit from an adoption counselor who can help you navigate the complexities of this process.

What Do I Need to Know About Parenting?

Choosing to keep and raise a baby can be a challenging but enriching path. To help you evaluate what this would entail, here are a few questions to ask yourself:

  • Even if my partner is not involved, am I still able and willing to raise a child on my own?

  • Can I provide a stable environment for a child?

  • Do I have a solid support system that I can count on?

  • Can I financially and emotionally provide for a child?

These are just a few sample questions that can help you assess the feasibility of parenting and identify any necessary accommodations.

Many resources are available for young parents, including material assistance or parenting classes.

Next Steps

At Zoe, A Women’s Center, we offer no-cost services, including medical-grade pregnancy testing (ask us if a limited-obstetric ultrasound can be scheduled following a positive pregnancy test). 

We're here to assist you if you need pregnancy-related screenings, information, and resources or a supportive environment to discuss your options.

Contact us today to schedule a free appointment!


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